You may be confident that your Used Cooking Oil (UCO) is being disposed of responsibly (and lawfully), but is it being upcycled?
Upcycling, the process of transforming a waste product into something of greater value i.e. biodiesel, is the best thing that can happen to your Used Cooking Oil.
In our current culture of social responsibility and the importance of environmental sustainability, it is important to know what happens to your waste oil once it is collected. How much of it is recycled? Upcycled? And what is it converted into?
If you are committed to the environment and sustainable practices, you may want to consider partnering with a UCO service provider with International Sustainability and Carbon Certification (ISCC) in addition to ISO 14001 Environment Certification.
This means you can be confident knowing that your Used Cooking Oil is being managed and upcycled to the highest global environmental supply chain standards.
At Auscol, we strive to upcycle 95% of the Used Cooking Oil we collect with most of this going into biodiesel.